बी ए - एम ए >> एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र - अंग्रेजी साहित्य 14वीं-17वीं शताब्दी एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र - अंग्रेजी साहित्य 14वीं-17वीं शताब्दीसरल प्रश्नोत्तर समूह
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एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र - अंग्रेजी साहित्य 14वीं-17वीं शताब्दी
Question- Discuss the causes of tragedy in Dr. Faustus.
'Dr. Faustus is a tragedy of excessive pursuit of knowledge and sentimentalism." Discuss.
"The trouble with Faustus........ less than a man" Discuss the causes that lead to the doom of Faustus, in the light of this statement.
Answer -
Introduction : "Mahowe was really the Columbus of the new literature world. He made drama a respresentation of the passionate life never was there an emancipation so calculated to excite the human intellect to the very atmost of its power."
According to some critics, Dr. Faustus is Marlowe's greatest and most personal tragedy in the sense that it treats with a great psychological theme and it offers us great moral lesson. The tragedy in Dr. Faustus is caused by some fatal defects latent in Faustus character. There are different reason to cause this tragedy.
1. Thirst for Knowledge : Faustus is called the renaissance child who has great thirst for knowledge. Christopher Marlowe was a man of great wisdom therefore the first reason for tragedy is insatiable thirst for knowledge. According to the chorus Faustus has received the degree of Doctor in Theology. Although he was born in a poor family, he beautified the fields of wisdom. He is not satisfied with his knowledge. He thinks of "A self conceit, His waxen wings did mount above his reach."
He advises himself to level at the end of every art : At last after a complete analysis of different subjects he comes upon 'cursed necromaney' for he says -
"A sound magician is a mighty god; Here Faustus, tire thy brains to gain a deity."
2. Super human ambition : Faustus has been presented as a super human being whose ambition is to be higher and more powerful that kings and emperors. In his study room he thinks that the power of a magician is superior to other powers. His ambition is truely the ambition of a renaissance man with the study of magic and its use. He can have "All things that move between the quiet poles."
As a man of ambition he envokes the spirits and presents the things that Faustus more desire. For example - "O, what a world of profit and delight, OF power, of honour, of omnipotence."
In Act Ist and Scene III, he desires to be a dominant person of the world. He makes a bond written by himself in his blood to Lucifer. He says - "By him I'll be great And make a bridge through the moving air."
Thus this ambition of Faustus is second element or cause for his tragedy.
3. Thirst for sensual pleasures : Every artist has a minute observation of happenings in the society where he lives in. As chaucer presents different character of fourteenth century. In his 'Canterbury Tales'. So Faustus also presents the Elizabethan or renaissance quality that haunted every man's mind. It was the thirst for sensual pleasure this is why Faustus has choosen magic. He desires to gain such a power as can raise the spirits of the dead and we see that in Act Vth, Sc. Ist Faustus causes the spirit of Helen to raise in her stately and splended form. He desires to make her his 'better half' to see her heavenly face he is amazed and exclaims there words-
"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships......... "
He desires to become immortal with a kiss and desires.
"Here will I dwell, for heaven is in there lips."
At last Faustus praises her with the atmost power of words -
"O, that art fairer that the evening air."
At last he firm determined to say "And none but thou shalt be my paramour."
4. His Scepticism : Faustus, although a religious man becomes a sceptic. He has little guard for good and evil. He also tells Mephistophilis. The playwright has presented good angel and bad angel. They symbolises nothing but Fausus thoughts of good and evil. In the Ist act and Ist scene we come across these angels, Good angel advises Faustus to lay that damned book aside.' because it may tempt his soul and says-
'Read, read the scriptures'
Just than the evil angel encourageous Faustus to go forward in that famous art where in all nature is contained.
Faustus will be on earth powerful like jove in Heaven. This conflict between good and evil goes on even in secone scene and Act III. Thus this scapticism becomes a great cause for his tragic fall.
5. Individualism : According to some critics Dr. Faustus is a personal tragedy because it depicts individualism of Faustus. He has become so egotist that he tries to free himself from religion, church society and other bondages of life. The playwright got only 29 Aprels of life like Dr. Faustus. His end is alike in the play we see that Faustus gets a painful death and he has no peace at all. In the same way the playwright Marlowe died most miserably. The chorus in the end of the play gives a, moral lesson that is the mark of individualism in these words-
"Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight...........
the wise only to wonder at Unlawful things." Hudson remarks on it 'No feiner sermon that Marlow's Faustus ever came from the pulpit."
6. Sentimentalism : Dr. Faustus is a tragedy mainly caused by sentimentalism. He makes a bound to Lucifer with his own blood. After it he sinks into the ocean of sin and evil with the ship of all his achievements of knowledge then seated in a chariot drawn by dragons. He makes a journey all over the Universe in eight days. He also visits a great numer of places like Royal courts Rome and even the court of Alexander. He comes to know of the secrets of universe. After all he tries to take him back from the devils and turned to Christ and God when the scholars in Act Vth and SC IIIrd advise him to think of divine powers. Faustus says -
"Oft have I thought to have done so, but the Devils threatened to tear me in pieces, if i named God, to fetch both body and soul."
There is left only one hour for him to leave therefore he makes a fine speech and address the sun god making a request to.
"Stand still, you ever moving spheres of heaven,
That time cease and midnight never come;
Fair Nature's eye."
But all his prayers and thoughts of repentance are invent. He desires that he may 'run into the earth'; Like Sita, he may be taking into the lap of the earth mother but because of his sins it will not harbour him'. In this way, he is disappointed from the Universe. So his sentimentalism causes tragedy.
Conclusion : Thus we can sum up that the causes of tragedy in Faustus life are the tragic flaws or fatal flaws or Hamartia. He suffers from super human ambition, pomp of wisdom, insatiable thirst for knowledge and sensual pleasures. His great ambitiion like that of Macbeth leads him to extremes sentimentalism and permanent demination. On the one hand he tries to become super human but on the other hand he becomes weaker and weaker. So we can quote a critic -
"The trouble with Faustus is in his aspiration to be something more than a man be ends up with something less than a man."
- Question- Define Renaissance humanism.
- Question- Describe 'Authorised version of Bible'.
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- Question- Write a summary of the theme "of their slaves and of their marriages" from Utopia.
- Question- Write a character sketch of Raphael Hythloday in Utopia by Thomas More.
- Question- What is a Utopian slave?
- Question- What are the rules for marriage in a Utopian society? Answer -
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- Question- Is divorce allowed in Utopian society?
- Question- What is an example of an Utopia ?
- Question- Who came up with the idea of Utopia ?
- Question- What is the difference between Utopian society and Dystopian society?
- Question- Write a note on Bacon as a prose writer.
- Question- Describe Bacon's contribution to English Prose.
- Question- "Bacon remains the first of English essayists and for the sheer mass and weight of genuis the greatest." Elucidate.
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- Question- Write a summary of the novel "The new Atlantis" by Francis Bacon.
- Question- Write the theme of the New Atlantis of Bacon.
- Question- What happened to Atlantis?
- Question- Why are the people of New Atlantis so secretive?
- Question- What do the sailors feel about the island ?
- Question- What is the moral of the New Atlantis ?
- Question- What is the Atlantis of Myth?
- Question- What are the advantages of Christianity in the New Atlantis? Answer -
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- Question- John Milton the poet as well as the prose writer.
- Question- Write a summary of the Areopagitica by John Milton.
- Question- Write critical analysis of the essay "Areopagitica" by John Milton.
- Question- What are the themes of Areopagitica?
- Question- What are John Milton's arguments in Areopagitica?
- Question- Why did Milton wrote Areopagitica?
- Question- What did Areopagitica influence?
- Question- What is the necessity of freedom of press in Areopagitica?
- Question- What is the importance of Areopagitica?
- Question- How does Areopagitica relate to Paradise Lost?
- Question- What is the main theme of Areopagitica?
- Question- What does Milton say about knowledge of good and evil in Areopagitica?
- Question- How did Milton advocate freedom of speech in his Areopagitica?
- Question- Write a note on polarity and structure in Milton's "Areopagitica".
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- Question- "Chaucer is not only the father of English poetry but also of the English language." Justify.
- Question- Write an essay on Chaucer's narrative art.
- Question- Write a detailed summary of poetry 'The Knight's Tale'.
- Question- Write a note on the characters of "The Knight's Tale".
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Write a note on the diction and versification of Spenser.
- Question- Write a note on Spenser's pictorial art.
- Question- Elaborate the moral and spiritual allegory in Book I of the Faerie Queene.
- Question- Discuss Spenser as the poet of classical Renaissance.
- Question- Write critical analysis of the poem "Like as a Huntsman" by Edmund Spenser.
- Question- Write a summary of the poem "Like as a Huntsman" by Edmund Spenser.
- Question- What is the thematic split of a sonnet 67 by Spenser ?
- Question- What is the central metaphor in the sonnet "Like as a Huntsman"?
- Question- What is a Spenserian sonnet?
- Question- What is the difference between the Spenserian and Shakespearean sonnet?
- Question- What seemed strange to the hunter at the end of the sonnet No. 67?
- Question- What are main qualities/characteristics of Spenser's poetry?
- Question- What literary devices used in the poem "Like as Huntsman" by Spenser ?
- Question- What is sonnet sequence?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- What was the Thomas Wyatt's contribution as a sonneteer in Elizabethan Age?
- Question- Thomas Wyatt as a sonneter of Elizabethan age.
- Question- Write critical analysis of the poem "I Find No Peace And All My War is Done".
- Question- Write a note on summary of the poem "I find no peace and all my war is done" by Thomas Wyatt.
- Question- What is the theme of the poem "I find no peace" by Thomas Wyatt ?
- Question- What is the meaning of "I find no peace" by Thomas Wyatt?
- Question- Why do Thomas Wyatt's poems deal with love and heart breaks?
- Question- What is an anaphora in the poem "I find no peace"?
- Question- How does the poet show his contrary feelings in the poem "I find no peace"?
- Question- What is the figure of speech in "I find no peace" and all my war is done?
- Question- What is Sir Thomas Wyatt known for?
- Question- Is Thomas Wyatt a renaissance poet ?
- Question- What type of poet was Thomas Wyatt ?
- Question- What are the characteristics of Sir Thomas Wyatt's poetry?
- Question- What poems did Thomas Wyatt write?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Sir Philip Sidney was a poet of Elizabethan age.
- Question- Write a critical analysis of the poem "My mouth doth water and my breast do swell" by sir Philip Sidney.
- Question- Write a summary of the poem "My mouth doth water and my breast do swell" by, Sir Philip Sidney.
- Question- What are the three kinds of poetry according to Sidney?
- Question- Which is the highest type of poetry according to Philip Sidney?
- Question- What is the writing style of Philip Sidney?
- Question- What type of poet was Sir Philip Sidney?
- Question- What is the contribution of Sidney in English literature?
- Question- "My mouth doth water and my breast doth swell" - analyse the following lines by Sir Philip Sidney.
- Question- Who does Stella refers to in Sonnet No. 37 written by Sidney?
- Question- What is the theme of the poem Astrophel and Stella ?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Describe Milton's imagery and his use of similes.
- Question- Point out the sublime quality of Milton's poetry.
- Question- Assess (Evaluate) Milton's 'Paradise Lost' as a classical epic.
- Question- Who is the hero of Paradise Lost ? Give reasons for your answer.
- Question- Write an essay on the autobiographical element in Paradise Lost.
- Question- Write an essay on Milton as a child of Renaissance and Reformation.
- Question- Write a note on Milton's Grand Style.
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Andrew Marvell was a poet of Seventeenth Century of English literature.
- Question- Andrew Marvell as a "metaphysical poet" of England.
- Question- Write a critical analysis of the poem "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell.
- Question- Write a summary of the poem "To His Coy Mistress".
- Question- What is the most common metaphor in "To His Coy Mistress”?
- Question- What is the poem "To his Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell ?
- Question- What is the symbolism in "To his Coy Mistress" ?
- Question- What kind of justification does the speaker employ to persuade his mistress in To His Coy Mistress'?
- Question- How is love presented in "To His Coy Mistress"?
- Question- Was Marvell a Cavalier poet?
- Question- How does Marvell use metaphysical conceit in his poem ?
- Question- How is time presented in poem "To His Coy Mistress" ?
- Question- How is "To His Coy Mistress" a three part argument?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Discuss George Herbert as a metaphysical religious poet.
- Question- George Herbert as British poet of English literature.
- Question- Write critical analysis of the poem "The Virtue" by George Herbert.
- Question- Write a note on summary of the poem "Virtue" by George Herbert.
- Question- What are the characteristics of Herbert's poetry?
- Question- What type of poem is virtue by George Herbert ?
- Question- What is the structure of 'Virtue' poem?
- Question- What is 'Virtuous Soul' ?
- Question- What are the dewdrops compared to and why?
- Question- What does the 'Sweet day', 'rose' and spring symbolize in the poem ?
- Question- What is the central theme of the poem 'virtue'?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Explain Henry Vaughan as a metaphysical poet of English literature.
- Question- Write a note on the Henry Vaughan's poetry writing style and influences.
- Question- Write a critical analysis of the poem "Retreat" by Henry Vaughan.
- Question- Discuss the summary of the poem "The Retreat" by Henry Vaughan.
- Question- What is the major theme of the poem "The Retreat"?
- Question- How is childhood compared to glory in "The Retreat"?
- Question- How does Vaughan idolize childhood?
- Question- From whence the enlightened spirit trees that "shady city of palm trees" where does this line occur? Comment on the allusion.
- Question- What does Henry Vaughan regret in the poem "The Retreat"?
- Question- Why is Henry Vaughan bemoaning his sins in this poem?
- Question- What is the relationship between the poem "The Retreat" and speaker?
- Question- Who were the Cavalier poets?
- Question- What is Henry Vaughan known for?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Write a note on Life and Works of Marlowe.
- Question- Write a note on Marlowe as a dramatist or playwright.
- Question- What do the critics mean by Marlowe's mightyline'?
- Question- Marlowe's tragic heroes are monomaniacs with some single obssesion. Analyse the statement.
- Question- Marlowe has rightly been called the morning star of English Drama. Analyse.
- Question- 'Marlowe is the greatest poet of the world.' Is this statement true?
- Question- Analyse Marlowe's conception of tragedy.
- Question- Discuss the causes of tragedy in Dr. Faustus.
- Question- Write a critical essay on the conflict between good and evil in Doctor Faustus.
- Question- Write a critical essay on Faustus as a tragic hero.
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Comment upon the symbolism in "The Tempest'.
- Question- Write a short note on the English Masque with particular reference to the masque in "The Tempest'.
- Question- The rarer action is in virtue than in rengeance." Bring out the truth of this statement in the light of the Tempest.
- Question- What is meant by the remark that the Tempest observes the Three unities of dramatic principles?
- Question- Write a brief character sketch of Prospero. Would you call him perfect.
- Question- What estimate have you formed of Ariel ?
- Question- Bring out the romantic elements in the Tempest.
- Question- How this play bears the title The Tempest. Comments.
- Question- What are the keynote of the play, 'The Tempest'.
- Question- What is Shakespeare's concept of comedy?
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- John Webster as English Jacobean dramatist.
- Question- Write a summary of the drama "The Duchess of Malfi" by Webster.
- Question- Character of the Duchess stands supreme among all the other characters in the play.
- Question- Bosola is called "a villain in the beginning turns to be a tragic hero of the play."
- Question- What is the themes of the play the "Duchess of Malfi" by John Webster ?
- Question- What happens to Antonio and Ferdinand in the Duchess of Malfi ?
- Question- What is position Bosola take in play, when fight between good and evil in the drama?
- Question- Compare and contrast the Duchess's death with those of her husband and brothers, and explain the importance.
- Question- Why Ferdinand reacts so strongly to the Duchess's remarriage?
- Question- Who is the most courageous character in the play? Defend own choice.
- Question- What is the importance of justice in the play?
- Question- What is John Webster best known for?
- Question- How many plays did Webster write?
- Question- John Webster as Renaissance Dramatist.
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.
- Question- Consider William Congreve as a dramatist.
- Question- Write a note on the plot of construction of Congreve.
- Question- "Millamant is the most finished creation of Congreve." Discuss.
- Question- Discuss Congreve's The Way of the World' as a drama of comedy of manners.
- Question- Write a note on Congreave's art of characterisation with special reference to "The Way of the World."
- Question- "Congreve's plays are a faithful reflection of the upper class life of the day." Discuss.
- Question- Analyse "The Way of the World' or a mirror of the society of the time.
- Question- Discuss wit and humour in 'The Way of the World'.
- Question- Compare and contrast Lady Wishfort and Mrs. Marwood.
- Question- Discuss the intrigue hatched by Mirabell against Lady Wishfort.
- Question- Explain with reference to the context any four of the following passages.